Streetsmarts vs. Booksmarts

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There’s something magical about industries that bring together diverse groups of people and offer multiple paths for success. I’ve had the pleasure of working in both Las Vegas hospitality and automotive retail for dealership groups in both small and large markets selling over 20 different automotive brands. I’ve worked with successful executives with Ivy League eductions and McKinsey consulting experience and executives with a few years of community college and a career built on hustle and people skills. For retail to thrive, evolve and connect with today’s consumers, diverse backgrounds and approaches will always be vital.

Without question, a career in a retail industry will be a bumpy ride with unexpected challenges and constant disruption. Street Smart Retail will tackle everyday challenges faced on the frontlines by car dealerships, restaurants, hotels, and other businesses by applying both “book” and “street” smarts. We will analyze data not as an academic exercise, but as it applies to real world challenges faced by retail businesses. We’ll go beyond the retelling of polished anecdotes that are the foundation of so many popular business books and face off against questions and challenges that have no simple and tidy solution. We’ll provide actionable recommendations to benefit managers, executives, vendors, agencies and other stakeholders to better and more efficiently serve their customers. We’ll get our hands dirty, and I hope you enjoy the ride.

Quincy Armstrong